Educational seminar for teachers from the Western Balkans on "Holocaust, history, digital content and social networks"

The Holocaust Fund of the Jews from Macedonia in cooperation with the Institute for Jewish History CENTROPA from Vienna, for the fourth time in Macedonia organized a three-day educational seminar for teachers from the Western Balkans on "Holocaust, history, digital content and social networks." The seminar was held from 22 to 24 May 2015.

The seminar was attended by 39 teachers who teach in primary and secondary schools in the Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia.

During the seminar, participants worked and exchanged experiences about teaching methods, such as the use of ready-made digital content, creating new digital content, the method of oral history, integrating multiple subjects in the realization of teaching, stimulating creative thinking and developing new ideas. The method of Centoropa and the Holocaust Memorial Center in Macedonia for the use of short documentaries as digital content in the teaching of history, the topic of the Holocaust and its consequences was presented. The importance of the short documentaries was even greater if we know the fact that they were made in our own production by Centoropa and the Holocaust Memorial Center in Macedonia and refer to real life stories.

The educational seminar was supported by the Claims Conference, the Embassy of the United States of America and the Embassy of Austria, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia and the Bureau for Development of Education in R. Macedonia.

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