About us
Pursuant to the Law on Citizens' Associations and Foundations (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia, No. 31 of 02.07.1998), and Article 16, in conjunction with Article 10 of the Statute of the Foundation of the Holocaust of the Jews of Macedonia Board of the Foundation on 01.07.2002 adopted the following:
Program work of the Foundation: Holocaust Fund of the Jews of Macedonia The Holocaust Fund of the Jews of Macedonia is a Foundation established on 23.04.02, by Government Decision No. 23-2112 / 1 of 23.04.02, and based on the Law on Denationalization of the Republic of Macedonia (Official Gazette 20/98/31/00 and consolidated text, 43/00)
The Fund is established to achieve the program goals and objectives, based on the one of the Statute, and in accordance with the Constitution, the Law and the Decision for establishment. The Fund is an independent, non-political non-partisan, voluntary and public organization, with the capacity of a legal entity.
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